Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Did Jay Cutler Quit on the Bears?

This past Sunday when the Chicago Bears played the Green Packers for the NFC Title, a black cloud of controversy surrounded QB Jay Cutler. Did he really suffer a game ending knee injury or was he so bad, he decided to take him self out so he didn't self destruct the Bears? As a former Player for the Chicago Bears, I'm not questioning his toughness or his Manhood. What I am questioning is his Demeanor, his Character, and his ability to be a Leader.

As a QB in the NFL, you are the Captain, the General, and the Leader of the Troops. On Sunday, Jay Cutler didn't show any of those characteristics. In fact, he looked very disinterested while on the sidelines nursing his knee. Was it his left or right knee? He couldn't even remember which play he hurt it on. And what is even more puzzling, Jay decided to have dinner Sunday night at a local restaurant and several fans watched him go up and down stairs without any discomfort.

Now, I was very lucky never to have torn an ACL or MCL during my 9 year career, but how bad was Jay's knee anyway. Monday's MRI results showed a slight Grade II tear. (Probably a Grade I inflated to a II to sound better in the media) Anyway, it sure has created a 'Knee Jerk' reaction among the Loyal Bear Fans. Oh well, Jeremy Roenick, former Blackhawk star, summed it up the best "I played a whole season on a torn MCL, Cutler sure wouldn't be cut out to be a hockey player!"

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